Director & HOD

Ex Director & HOD - Our Mentor

Renowned ENT Surgeon

Prof. (Dr.) Arunabha Sengupta MS ,DLO ;renowned ENT surgeon & the Ex HOD of Department of ENT, at IPGME&R/SSKM HOSPITAL, KOLKATA had a long cherished dream to set up an Institute for the speciality of Otorhinolaryngology.

After joining at Dept of ENT , IPGME&R in 2004 ,with his relentless effort since then ultimately bore the fruit in 2020. He hopes this iconic and exclusive Institute Of Otorhinolaryngology and Head Neck Surgery,first of its kind in INDIA will serve the people of West Bengal and adjoining states in years to come.

Receiving Bisistha Chikitsa Sanmman Award

His tremendous passion for work, personal endeavour, spearheading his team, futuristic ideas and encouragement from Hon'ble CHIEF MINISTER OF WEST BENGAL MS MAMATA BANERJEE and excellent support from Senior Burocrates and dignitaries made his dream come true. He strengthened the Dept of ENT and expanded it into Advanced Domain Of Highest Standard.

May knowledge uplift our spirit, abolish our egoes , take away our arrogance and ignorance and lift us from darkness to light. Don’t stop chasing your dreams, Because dreams do come true.

Prof. Dr. Arunabha Sengupta